PunLib | Publications | Menu
This is the Publication page of PunLib. Here you can find usefull documents on many categories relating to Library & Information Science in general and automation and networking of libraries and application of ICT in libraries in particular. The documents have been listed category wise. Click on the link to view a particular article/document.
Here you can find articles of general interest to the readers.
Sample Documents
This category will list some sample documents/templates that you can find usefull in your routine and specialized needs.
Library Automation
If you are planning to automate your library or have already started this section can be helpfull to you. Here you can find diverse options with minimum resources that you have for automation. The purpose of authoring this section is not only to educate the professionals about the automation precess but to make them as much self-reliant as possible.
Information Technology
This section is reserved for documents related to computers and their application in day to day routine jobs. Some free and open source solutions will be discussed here.
Library & Information Science
This section is particularly for Library and Information Science professional and students.
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