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4th International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS 2015)

Theme: Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services

Venue: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology,
A-10, Sector 62,
Noida - 201307,
Uttar Pradesh, INDIA.

Date: 6-8 January, 2015

Organized By: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

Collaborators: IEEE, UP Section (India) & King's College, London.

Webpage: http://www.jiit.ac.in/lrcjiit/ettlis-2015


Registration Form: http://www.jiit.ac.in/lrcjiit/images/ettlis-2015/Registration_Form_ETTLIS_2015.pdf

Type: Symposium


The unprecedented developments in the field of Information and Communication Technology and the rapid advancements in the Internet technologies and services have a transformative influence on how information is accessed and disseminated throughout the World. The current transformation has facilitated access to enormous amount of information and a wide variety of services to enhance the use and delivery of such information. This has resulted in a disparity of information overload at one hand and information scarcity on the other because of the inability to exploit the impact of technology. As new technologies and services emerge, new challenges start surfacing. These new challenges have pushed the library and the information professionals to be well equipped to tackle these challenges. While acknowledging the changes taking place in the mode and service of information delivery and usage, it is important that the library profession rediscovers the need of the industry and the nation so that it can evaluate its services, revitalize the users and strengthen the library professionals’ workforce. The future of the libraries and information centres depend on the information professionals to have an in-depth understanding of these emerging changes and equip them accordingly. In particular, they need to learn skills that allow them to find, manage, share and use information and knowledge. They need information literacy to supplement their information and management skills in order to upgrade their libraries and information centres as per the modern day requirements.

In this mission it is essential to focus through a well-resourced association like the Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Services (SALIS) and other concerned institutions to gather the Library and Information professionals to analyze the impending changes and update their professional knowledge on the emerging technologies and services. In 2008, JIIT in collaboration with SALIS and other likeminded partners took an initiative to bring library professionals and other players in the industry under the aegis of the brand ETTLIS. Since then the ETTLIS has organized successfully three symposiums with its International Symposium 1st ETTLIS-2008 (December 18-20, 2008) at JIIT, Noida; 2nd ETTLIS 2010 (June 3-5, 2010) at JUIT, Solan (HP) and 3rd ETTLIS 2012 (October 26-27, 2012) at JUET, Guna (MP) to embark on a mission to bolster a partnership towards achieving this mission especially to evaluate , educate and to bring transformation in libraries and information centres to adapt the emergence of newer technologies. We strongly believe that with a continued dialogue, deliberation and discourse we will be able to equip the Library and Information professionals for the betterment of the profession and its users.

The objectives of the symposium are to bring researchers, academicians, business communities, policy makers and research scholars on a common platform to share their experiences, innovative ideas and research findings about the aspects of emerging trends and technologies in the field of library and information services. It also proposes to discuss the practical challenges encountered by them and the solutions adopted.

Contact Person: Dr. Sanjay Kataria, Organizing Secretary

Phone: +91 120-2594190, 191

Mobile: 09810503341

Email ID: ettlis2015@gmail.com

Registration Form

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